If talking about death makes you uncomfortable, read no further. If you’re curious, please continue. So here’s the literal part of the dying conversation – So my almost 99 year mom, affectionately known as Vivacious Vi, started down the...
Read moreWhen Spirit And Science Come Together
You have a task to do. You’re resistant to doing it. You do everything you know to get yourself focused. Then, you get up. You get yourself your tea or coffee. You find yourself doing your ‘keep busy’ stuff, engaging in your favorite...
Read moreHow Do You Do You?
How do you do you? Have you ever thought about how you do you? The science is in! Your thoughts absolutely affect your health, your bio chemistry, and even your DNA. Somewhere around 2000 years ago, Patanjali, author of The Yoga Sutras (one of...
Read moreExploring the Big Questions About Life and Death
“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” -John Burroughs “It’s so strange that autumn is so beautiful; yet everything is dying.” In light of Autumn and Halloween and All Souls Day, this month’s...
Read moreToday is a Good Day to Have a Good Day
So what do you think, can we decide to have a good day? What if stuff is really not that great in your life? If you’ve taken a class with me recently, there’s a very good chance you’ve heard me say: “where you place your attention is where your...
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