“Wisdom is the reward for surviving our own stupidity.” -Brian Rathbone What keeps you from daring gravity? That limitation that stops you from change? You know the thing…the recurring one that you swear you’ve handled; the thing you were...
Read moreTrust The Magic of Beginnings
Having a bit of anxiety or excitement as we enter September? Perhaps a combination of dread and relief, or some sense of loss as we leave summer and move forward – back to ‘real life’. Childhood memories of a new school year never quite...
Read moreOn Truth & Illness
“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.” -Albert Einstein I was working with one of my wonderful clients this morning who had ‘bitten off’ way more than he could handle and as a result was entering...
Read moreHow thoughts affect our health
Personal experience with chronic pain has been teaching me many unexpected lessons. In the process of trying to wean myself off of meds to control inflammation & pain, I’ve gone down a path of researching the placebo effect and the...
Read moreToday is a Good Day to Have a Good Day
So what do you think, can we decide to have a good day? What if stuff is really not that great in your life? If you’ve taken a class with me recently, there’s a very good chance you’ve heard me say: “where you place your attention is where your...
Read moreRecent Newsletters
Past Newsletters From Patty October 2017 – Today is a good day to have a good day September 2017 – Breathe to Heal August 2017 – “We’re all alike…in different ways” August 2017 – Find Your Daily Inspiration July 2017 – Your Own Greatness Awaits...
Read morePro-Aging vs Anti-Aging
Came across this idea of PRO-aging some time ago, and I am intrigued by it. Why are we so ANTI-aging? What does that even mean? What are we (particularly women and perhaps men to lesser degree,) so freaking afraid of? What if our increasing...
Read moreTo Dye or not to Dye…THAT is the question!
As some of you know, I’m almost 63 now and am playing with the idea of going ‘au natural’ . I looked up that word-au natural- and this is the definition I came across: in a natural state, without anything added. In regards to makeup, or wearing...
Read moreAncient Wisdom
Here is a 1 minute distillation of some wisdom from The Yoga Sutra by Patanjali, one of Yoga’s revered ancient texts. Words to live by.
Read moreTension Buster
Tension Buster, one of my favorite go-to moves. The whirling – standing spinal twist is perfect for whenever you feel the need to loosen up a bit or get your energy moving.
Read moreThe Oxygen Highway
Yoga teachers are always telling us to breathe. We focus on the movement of air as it travels in and out. But, that’s only half of the story! Can you guess where most of that oxygen gets delivered to?
Read moreWhy OM?
Ancient yogis knew what modern scientists now tell us- that everything in our universe pulses and is in constant motion. Here is why many yoga classes start or end chanting the sound of OM.
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